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Charles L. Cambil, Bsc. Business Management, IBM I/T Architect, IBM Business Partner

Saturday, July 5, 2008

WID 6012.9 Components How to

WID 6012.9 Components How to

WID V6.0.1.2, Interim Fix 009

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Modules and libraries

Table of Contents

How to add a Component/Node to a Business Module

How to add a Component/Node to a Mediation Module

How to generate a component's implementation
How to wire components/nodes

How to add a Component/Node to a Business Module

Related links

Business services: Creating a component

Assembly editor for business services

Open the Assembly Diagram

Double-click the assembly diagram icon (i.e CCambil_ServiceProvider_Mod) in the Business Integration view to open the Assembly Diagram.

Add a Component/Node

There are several ways to add a component:

  1. Select a component from the palette and drop it onto the canvas
  2. Right-click inside the Assembly Diagram and select the node/component to add
  3. Drag an interface (from the same module or from a dependent library) onto the canvas

Adding a component by selecting a component from the palette

Select a component from the palette by clicking on it and dropping it in the Assembly editor canvass.

See for more information.

Adding a component by Right-clicking inside the Assembly Diagram (Business Module)

Right-click inside the Assembly Diagram and select Add Node > ???

Adding a component by Dragging an interface

  1. Drag an interface (i.e CCambil_DateTime_I, from the same module or from a dependent library) onto the Assembly diagram canvas
  2. In the Component Creation window, select Component with no Implementation Type and click OK.

A Component is added

The attributes of the component added depends on how you added the component.

The component created using the component pallette or by right-clicking inside the assemly diagram does not have an interface. You have to add an interface as an extra step.

The component created by dragging an interface includes the interface that you dragged.

Component created via Component pallette and right-clicking

Component created by dragging an interface

How to add a Component/Node to a Mediation Module

Related links

Mediation services: Creating a component

Mediation services: Wiring nodes

Open the Assembly Diagram

Double-click the assembly diagram icon (i.e CCambil_ServiceProvider_Mod) in the Business Integration view to open the Assembly Diagram.

Add a Component/Node

There are several ways to add a component:

  1. Select a component from the palette and drop it onto the canvas
  2. Right-click inside the Assembly Diagram and select the node/component to add
  3. Drag an interface (from the same module or from a dependent library) onto the canvas

Adding a component by selecting a component from the palette

Select a component from the palette by clicking on it and dropping it in the Assembly editor canvass.

See for more information.

Adding a component by Right-clicking inside the Assembly Diagram (Business Module)

Right-click inside the Assembly Diagram and select Add Node > ???

Adding a component by Dragging an interface

  1. Drag an interface (i.e CCambil_DateTime_I, from the same module or from a dependent library) onto the Assembly diagram canvas
  2. In the Component Creation window, select Component with no Implementation Type and click OK.

A Component is added

The attributes of the component added depends on how you added the component.

The component created using the component pallette or by right-clicking inside the assemly diagram does not have an interface. You have to add an interface as an extra step.

The component created by dragging an interface includes the interface that you dragged.

Component created via Component pallette and right-clicking

Component created by dragging an interface

How to wire components/nodes

Related links Business services: Wiring nodes

Wired nodes example

Display the wire handle

Select a component and hover the mouse over it to display the wire. Click on the wire tip to drag it to another component.

Drag and Drop

Drag the wire to another component and drop it.

Create a matching reference

On the Add Wire window, click OK.

Wired components

The components are wired.

How to generate a component's Implementation

Related links

Select an implementation type

Right-click the component and select Generate Implementation... > Process.


You have 5 implementation types to select from. Choose the required implementation type.

Select the folder

Click OK if this is the required folder. Otherwise, click New Folder... and specify another folder.

A Default Business Process Implementation

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